Worship is about God: the God who turns to us in mercy and grace in Jesus Christ.
What takes place in worship is not so much things that we do, but rather events in which God promises to act.
Even as we sing and pray, God is with us, giving us life.
What to Expect
Our worship uses a form of the liturgy, a pattern of worship used by many Christians for 2000 years. Within that form, musical style often varies, and we tend to be relatively informal. Our worship services typically last about an hour or a bit longer.
Grace Lutheran Church is a friendly and welcoming congregation. You’ll usually be met at the door by a person who will greet you with a friendly hello and help direct you. As you enter the sanctuary, an usher will offer you a program (we call it a “bulletin”). The bulletin will help you follow the service as it will outline the order of the service, provide congregational spoken parts in boldface print, and list the songs and hymns we sing with their page numbers in our worship book. Learn more about the specifics of the service.
We celebrate the Eucharist (Holy Communion) every Sunday. Everyone (yes…everyone) is invited to receive the bread and wine of Holy Communion. For those who wish, gluten-free bread and grape juice are available.
Children are invited (and expected!) to be themselves. Your kids won’t get “the glare” that sometimes is aimed at active children. Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry. When a worship leader goofs up, we have a good laugh together. If you have infants or toddlers, you are welcome to keep them with you or you may choose to have them stay with our adult nursery attendant. You may also use the small windowed room in the back of the worship space (sanctuary) to stay with your child and still participate in worship. Grace also offers activity bags for young children to use in the pews.
How to dress:
Come as you are. Some people wear their "Sunday best" while others are in T-shirt and jeans. It doesn’t matter.
Parking and Accessibility:
We have a parking lot to the west of the building and there is on-street parking on Hancock Avenue and on Boulder Street. The main entrance is through a set of maroon-colored doors in the center of the building. There is a fully-accessible entrance (leading to an elevator) just to the left of the maroon doors. Large print bulletins and hearing assistant devices are available by asking an usher. The sanctuary and other spaces are accessible by elevator. Special sitting areas in the sanctuary are available to support those with wheelchairs, walkers, or strollers. Please ask an usher if special assistance is needed.
For a more detailed description of a typical service at Grace, click here.
Check out this past week’s service below for an idea of how we worship both in-person and online.